World Human Rights Day – 30 Things to Know About The Human Rights Act

Every man has certain rights over his family, work, government and society for normal living, which are determined by mutual understanding and rules. Under this, the Universal Human Rights Declaration was given official recognition by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948, in which some special rights have been given to every human being by the Indian Constitution. Hence, Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December.

Human rights means all those rights which are connected with the life, liberty, equality and the dignity of the person. All these rights are described in Part-III of the Indian Constitution as fundamental rights and enforceable by the courts, whose ‘Indian Constitution’ not only guarantees but also punishes the court for violating it. Although the Human Rights Act was implemented in India from 28 September 1993 and the ‘National Human Rights Commission’ was formed on 12 October 1993, but the UN General Assembly recognized the declaration on 10 December 1948. But December 10 was fixed for Human Rights Day.

30 things to know about the Human Rights Act.

1. All people are free and equal in terms of dignity and rights, that is, all human beings have innate freedom and equality in terms of pride and rights. They have the gift of intelligence and conscience and should treat each other with a sense of brotherhood.

2. Every person has been given all kinds of rights and freedoms without any discrimination. There can be no discrimination on things like race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other ideas, nationality or social origin, property, birth etc. Whether a country or territory is independent, protected, or self-governing, or has finite sovereignty, no difference will be made to the inhabitants of that country or territory on the basis of its political, regional or international status.

3. Everyone has the right to life, freedom and security.

4. The right to freedom from slavery or slavery, that is, no person can be held in slavery or slavery, slavery and trade will be completely prohibited.

5. The right to freedom from torture, torture, or cruelty means that no one can be physically tortured and be made cruel, inhuman or degrading to anyone.

6. Right to equality in front of the law, that is, everyone has the right to accept as a person everywhere in the eyes of the law.

7. Everyone has the right to equal protection before the law, that is, all are equal in the eyes of the law and all are entitled to equal legal protection without discrimination.

8. The right to knock the door of the court for justice in its defence, that is, everyone has the right to seek the assistance of the appropriate national courts if they are encroached upon by the Constitution or the basic rights obtained by law.

9. The right to freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or deportation, that is, no one can be arbitrarily arrested, detained, or expelled.

10. The right to a fair public hearing through an independent court means that everyone has the right to be just and publicly neutral and impartial by their trial court in terms of their rights and duties, and in any matter of foreclosure.

11. The right to be innocent until the court convicts, that is, every person who has been charged with a punishable offence, shall be deemed to be innocent unless he is convicted in such open court by law. Proven where he has all the necessary facilities for his cleaning.

12. The right to privacy in the home, family and correspondence, ie no arbitrary interference with the privacy of a person, family, home, or correspondence, nor should there be any objection to one’s honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to legal protection against such interference or attacks.

13. The right to travel and travel in one’s own country, that is, every person has the right to freely move, go and settle within the borders of each country and leave any country he or she has left and returned to their country.

14.The right to seek political asylum in another country, that is when a person is persecuted

Other countries have the right to seek refuge and live. But this right will not be benefited in cases which are actually related to non-political offences, or against the objectives and principles of the United Nations.

15. Right to nationality means that every person has the right to citizenship of a particular nation. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of the citizenship of his nation or denied a change of citizenship.

16. The right to marry and raise a family, and the right of equality of man and woman after marriage, that is, the right of men and women to marry and establish a family without any caste, nationality or religion constraints. They have equal rights regarding marriage in marriage, and divorce.

17. The right to property means that every person has the right to own property alone and with others. And no one can be arbitrarily deprived of their property.

18. The right to freedom of thought, conscience and the adoption of any religion means that every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. To change his religion or belief and alone or together with others and in public or privately There is the freedom to manifest your religion or belief through education, action, worship and practice.

19. The right to express and acquire information, that is, every person has the right to freedom of thought and expression. Without it, it involves intervening opinion and through any medium and regardless of boundaries, it is the exploration, acceptance and imparting of information and perception of someone.

20. The right to form and organize an organization, that is, every person has the right to freedom of holding a peace meeting or a committee. No one can be forced to become a member of any organization.

21. The right to participate in government-making activities and to elect a government, that is, every person has an equal right to participate in the governance of his country, directly or through freely elected representatives, to obtain government jobs.

22. The right to social security and the right to attain economic, social and cultural rights, that is, every person as a member of society has the right to social security and each person to the independent development and pride of his personality – which is national Effort or international cooperation and is compatible with the organization and resources of each state – is essentially entitled to the necessary economic, social and cultural rights.

23. The right to work, the right to equal pay for equal work and the right to join and form a trade union, ie the choice of employment at will, the obtaining of fair and convenient conditions of work, equal wages for equal work without any discrimination. Have the right to form and to form and participate in working unions.

24. Every person has the right to rest and leisure, ie, a reasonable period of work and paid holidays. This includes proper demarcation of hours of work and holidays including periodic wages.

25. The right to live by oneself and family with good living standards, including food, housing, clothing, medical care and social security.

26. Right to education means every person has the right to education,

In which primary education will be compulsory and free. Education will develop mutual goodwill, tolerance and friendship among nations, castes, or religious groups, and the efforts of the United Nations to maintain peace will be carried forward.

27. The right to participate in cultural programs and the protection of intellectual property, that is, every person has the right to participate in the cultural life of a free society, enjoy the arts, and participate in scientific advancement and its facilities. Apart from this, every person has the right to protect the moral and economic interests arising out of any scientific literary or artistic work of which he is the author.

28. Everyone has the right to achieve such social and international order in which the rights and freedoms mentioned in that declaration can be fully achieved.

29. Every person has a duty towards the same society in which free and complete development of his personality is possible. Every person exercising his rights and freedoms shall be bound by the limits fixed by law, the sole purpose of which is the recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others. These rights and freedoms will not be used in any way against the principles and objectives of the United Nations.

30. Nothing contained in this Declaration should be interpreted in such a way as to give the impression that a nation, person or a faction may be involved in any activity that infringes on one’s freedom or rights.

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