Juvenile Justice Act 2015 MCQ, Juvenile Justice MCQ Questions and Answers, MCQ on Juvenile Justice Act 2015 PDF

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015

1. on which date Juvenile justice act 2015 came into force –  15th January 2016

2. on which date Juvenile justice act 2015 received the assent of president – 31st December 2015

3. According to Juvenile justice act what is meant by begging:-

a. soliciting or receiving alms in public place or entering into private premises for the purpose of soliciting or receiving alms

b. exposing or exhibiting with the object of obtaining or extorting alm any source or bone injury deformity or disease

4. under section 2(12) of this act child means a person who has not completed ___age of – 18 years

5. for providing care and protection to children who are in need of services child care institution means

a) children home and open shelter

b) Observation Home and special home

c) place of safety specialised adoption agency and if its facilities recognised under this act

6. under Juvenile justice act child in conflict with long name the child who is alleged or found to have committed an offence and who has not completed 18 years of age on – commission of the offence

7. Henious offence includes the offence for which the minimum punishment under IPC or any other law for time being in force is – imprisonment for 7 years or more

8. Petty offence includes the offence for which the minimum punishment under IPC or any other law for time being in force is – imprisonment up to 3 years

9. Serious offence includes the offence for which the punishment under IPC or any other law for time being in force is – imprisonment between 3 to 7 years

10. Orphan means a child

a) who is without biological or adopted parents or legal Guardian

b) whose legal Guardian is not willing to take place are capable of taking care of the child

11. According to Juvenile justice act what are the principles of natural justice

a) basic procedural standard for fairness

b) right to a fair hearing

c) rule against bias and right to review

12. Juvenile justice board shall consist of which category of magistrate or (who shall be the principal magistrate of JJB) – metropolitan magistrate or Judicial Magistrate of first class with at least 3 years experience

13. child alleged to be in conflict with law is apprehended the officer designated as child welfare police officer of the police station or special Juvenile police unit to which the child is brought shall as soon as possible after apprehending the child inform

a) parents of the child

b) Guardian of the child

c) probation officer

14. within what period an enquiry related to petty offence or serious officer shall ordinarily be made when a child is to be in conflict with law is first produced before Juvenile justice board – within four months

15. petty case shall be disposed of – Juvenile justice board

16. what procedure shall be adopted by Juvenile justice board to dispose of petty cases keeping in view the procedure prescribed by CrPC – procedure for trial of summary proceeding

17. for enquiry of serious offence by the Juvenile justice board what procedure shall be adopted by it keeping in view the provision of CRPC – procedure for trial of summons case

18. the Juvenile justice board may pass and additional order relating to a child – to attend school or vocational training centre, prohibited the child from visiting frequently for appearing at specified place, undergo a de-addiction program

19. when a child in conflict with law at is the age of 21 years and is yet to complete the term of stay in place of safety what kind of order may be passed by the children’s Court –release the child on such condition as it deems fit including appointment of Monitoring Authority for remainder of prescribed term of take – decide the child Shall complete the remainder of his term in jail

20. which kind of sentence cannot be passed against the child in conflict with law

a. imprisonment for a term exceeding 7 years

b. life imprisonment

c. death sentence

d. life imprisonment without the possibility of

e. release C or D

21. who shall constitute for every district one or more child welfare committee for exercising powers and to discharge the duties of committee in relation to child in need of care and protection – State Government

22. to whom the child welfare committee shall submit a quarterly report regarding pendency and disposal of case for the review of pending cases – District Magistrate

23. for the purpose of restoration and protection of child means Restoration to

a. parents or adoptive parents

b. Foster parents or guardians

c. fit person

24. under section 74 of Juvenile justice act who has been empowered to order for disclosure of Identity of children in the best interest of children

a. Juvenile justice board

b. child welfare committee

c. either A or B

25. whoever commits any of the offence under chapter 9 of Juvenile justice act on any child who is disabled as to be certified by medical practitioner that such person shall be liable to ____of the penalty provided for the offence – twice

26. where an offence under this act is punishable with imprisonment for more than 7 years then such officer shall be – cognizable and non bailable and triable by children’s court

27. where an offence under this act is punishable with imprisonment for 3 years and above then such officer shall be sec – cognizable ,non bailable and triable by magistrate of first class

28. where an offence under this act is punishable with imprisonment less than 3 years, then such officer shall be – non cognizable, bailable and triable by any magistrate

29. whoever abets any offence under Juvenile justice act if the act abetted is committed in consequence of abutment he shall be punished with ______punishment provided for that offence – same

30. where an act or omission constitutes an offence punishable under Juvenile justice act and also under any other no for time being in force then notwithstanding anything contained in such law the offender shall be guilty of offence and shall be liable for punishment under such law which provides for punishment which is _____in degree – greater

31. under chapter 9 of Juvenile justice act any child who commit any offence shall be considered as – child in conflict with law

32. under section 90 of Juvenile justice act the child welfare committee on the Juvenile justice board before which a child is brought may require whose presence before it – parent or Guardian having the actual charge of the child

33. where any aggrieved by an order made by a child welfare committee on Juvenile justice board may prefer and appealed to – children’s Court

34. within how many days from the date of order any person aggrieved by any order made by child welfare committee or Juvenile justice board may prefer an appeal to children’s Court? – 30 days

35. where an appeal shall lie against an order of Juvenile justice board passed after making the preliminary assessment into heinous offence under Section 15 – Session Court

36. Where a second appeal shall Iie from an order of the court of session passed in appeal under section 101 of the Juvenile justice act-

a. High Court

b. children’s court

c. supreme court

d. no appeal shall lie

37. where an appeal shall Lie from order of children’s Court – High Court

38. where a revision shall Lie from order of Juvenile justice board child welfare committee or children’s court –  high court

39. who is empowered to make rules to carry out the purpose of Juvenile justice act – State Government

40. why assessing age of person under Juvenile justice act the board is required to consider document and evidence in the following order of preference – school certificate issued by School, date of birth certificate issued by municipality, ossification test report

41. as per Juvenile justice act child in need of care and protection means-

a. a child who is found without any home or settled place of Abode and without any ostensible means of subsistence

b. who is found working in contravention of labour laws

c. who resides with the person and that person has injured exploited abused or neglected the child

d. a b or c

42. where an enquiry has been initiated in respect of any child under Juvenile justice act and during the force of such inquiry the child complete age of 18 years then enquiry may be continued by –  Juvenile justice board

43. When any person who is apparently a child in and alleged to have committed bailable or non bailable offence is apprehended and detained by police for appears to be brought before Juvenile justice board then what action shall be taken by board under section 12 of Juvenile justice act –

a. such person shall be released on bail with without surety

b. such person may be placed under the supervision of probation officer

c. such person may be placed and the care of fit person

d. A or B or c

44. if an enquiry by Juvenile justice board for petty offence remains in conclusive even after extended period the proceeding shall stand –  terminated

45. Under JJ act for adoption of a child by Indian prospective parents and application has to be made to whom – special adoption agency

46. who cannot adopt a child under Juvenile justice act – a single male cannot adopt a girl child

47. what are the eligibility of a prospective adoptive parents. they shall be

a. physically fit & financially sound

b. mentally alert

c. highly motivated to adopt the child

d. all of the above

48. who can adopt under Juvenile justice act –

a. non resident Indian

b. Overseas citizen of India

c. person of Indian Origin

d. all of the above

49. who has the power to recognise Institutions or organisations as specialised adoption agency – State Government

50. adoption is resorted for ensuring an orphan’ abandoned and surrendered children’s:- right to family

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